所有的学位 & 项目
有超过35个专业和辅修领域, mg冰球突破豪华版下载为多元化奠定了基础, 跨学科教育, 鼓励你既专攻又探索.
埃尔迈拉大学 is steeped in history and traditions that unite generations of 学生 and Alumni.
成立于1855年, mg冰球突破豪华版下载是一所私立大学, 男女合校的, 位于mg冰球突破豪华版下载的Phi Beta Kappa学院, 纽约.
Elmira was the first college for women with a course of study equal in rigor to the best men's colleges. “Female seminaries” as they were called at the time, were essentially glorified high schools. In contrast, from its very inception, 埃尔迈拉大学 offered rigorous academic programs.
欧共体于1969年改为男女同校, 现在有大约800名全日制本科生, 主要是住校学生. 学院还提供高级课程 证书, 硕士学位课程,以及非学分课程 专业发展.
学院是 马克·吐温研究中心, which encompasses the Mark Twain Study, Mark Twain Archives, and 采石场的农场. The Center attracts Twain scholars from around the world and is one of four historically significant Twain heritage sites in the U.S.
吐温的妻子和大学Alumni, 奥利维亚·兰登·克莱门斯, 是mg冰球突破豪华版下载, 纽约, 是1864届的学生.
The Mark Twain Study, now located on campus, is the study in which the famous author penned 汤姆·索亚历险记, 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记,以及其他标志性作品. 《今日美国》 将马克·吐温研究命名为全国十大文学地标之一.
采石场的农场, 这里是吐温姻亲的家,现在归学院管理, 吐温和他的家人在那里度过了20多个夏天. The site was named one of 纽约 state’s literary landmarks by United for Libraries and the Empire State Center for the Book, 是美国国会图书馆图书中心的附属机构.
校园里有很多关于飞鹰的故事, including the Soaring Eagles Athletics teams and the Soaring Eagle mascot. The name "Soaring Eagles" was chosen for the Athletics teams in the 1970s in tribute to the Elmira area's distinction as the "Soaring Capital of America.“2022年春天, 学院为学生发起了一场竞赛, 教师, 工作人员, 和Alumni一起为飞鹰吉祥物命名. 经过多轮投票,mg冰球突破豪华版下载院长. 查尔斯·林赛透露了获胜的名字: 翱翔的鹰西蒙. 这个名字是为了向西蒙·本雅明致敬, 埃尔迈拉商人, 慈善家, 也是mg冰球突破豪华版下载的创始人.
紫色和金色. 竞技的运动精神. 唱我们的母校. 诸如此类的传统有助于将mg冰球突破豪华版下载社区联系起来. 我们为我们的遗产感到自豪, and we look forward to seeing 学生 forge new traditions to share with the next generation of leaders.
Dean Anstice Harris instituted the 山天 tradition at 埃尔迈拉大学 in October of 1918. 这一天并不是法定假日, 而是停课的一天, 允许学生, 教师, 让员工们以令人难忘的、不那么正式的方式相互交流.
在早年, 学生, 教师, 员工们享用了一顿野餐午餐,并徒步前往东山的采石场. They also participated in 游戏, planting projects, relaxing, and enjoying the colorful foliage. 近年来,“山地日”更加以校园为导向. 在一些早晨的活动之后, 为整个校园社区提供野餐午餐, 一天中剩下的时间都用来享受秋天的天气, 游戏, 户外活动.
The 节日宴会 celebration is the oldest of EC’s time-honored traditions. It is a semi-formal affair and begins a weekend of traditional holiday festivities.
Students join their favorite 教师 or 工作人员 member in the 校园 Center Dining Hall for a traditional Thanksgiving holiday dinner. 教师和工作人员为学生提供晚餐, 在一顿家庭式的晚餐中切火鸡和传递菜肴.
按照传统, the graduating class presents a holiday ornament that has special significance to the College. The class officers present the College President with the ornament to adorn the tree in the Dining Hall. 在节日宴会的最后, members of the graduating class lead the room in traditional holiday songs.
这个长期的EC传统提供了一个家庭友好的一天的乐趣, 食物, 游戏, 工艺品, 为整个社区提供娱乐. The day traditionally features a line-up of live entertainment including performances by 埃尔迈拉大学 a cappella groups and demonstrations by clubs and organizations like the EC Danceline.
除了娱乐之外, 各种各样的供应商, 地区工匠, 学生俱乐部也会出售烘焙食品等商品, 珠宝, 艺术作品, 陶器, 植物, 服装, 游戏, 美容产品, 本地种植的农产品. 博览会的收益将用于资助学生俱乐部.
5月天 is a time when the 埃尔迈拉大学 campus comes alive for a week of fun in the warming weather. 在扣篮篮中精准的投球使同学沉下. 用卡拉ok麦克风展示你内心的摇滚明星. 用一些水球躲避球浸泡你的同学(并被浸湿). 创造一些独特的工艺品. 在漫长的学年之后享受排毒吧. 在泡沫派对上跳舞. 围着火烤棉花糖做巧克力夹心饼干.
烛光是学院最珍视的传统之一. 这个由两部分组成, poignant ceremony takes place first at Fall 欢迎 for each new incoming class and then on the eve of Commencement for that class four years later.
秋季欢迎活动, incoming 学生 process by candlelight along the brick-paved walkways leading to The Puddle. 在水坑附近落座后, they are addressed by established members of the 埃尔迈拉大学 community. Upperclass 学生 who have led the new 学生’ orientation traditionally sit across The Puddle from the new 学生. The Fall 欢迎 烛光 ceremony marks the last time the new class is gathered on campus before all other 学生 return to campus to begin the academic year.
四年后, 烛光 takes place when the class again gathers together one last time in ceremony before Commencement the following morning. It's tradition that the graduating class is addressed by two members of the class, 从教职员中选出的“名誉守护神”, 还有一位毕业生的家长.